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Coffee Art
(divine messages imparted to mankind by the goddess Cafeina)


these images are based on scans from either the insides of used Rite Aid paper
coffee cups or from napkins upon which coffee strainers have been placed.
I've done some simple color modification, so that everything isn't the same shade of brown.


Towers of Man

The Chalice

The Wanderer

The Wishing Tree

The Reaper Cometh

A Lady Tends Her Roses


Ceremonial Tapestry

The Crowd Called Out for More

The Wanderer,/p>

The Goblin and his Seahorse

Battle for the Demon's Hammer

Inside the Dinosaur Egg

Coffee Abstraction #1                                        The Visitation                             
before you throw that used paper coffee cup out, check it for art!

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